A very logical but generally not implemented requirement is the the transfer from HCM Structural Authorizations to BI.
I searched, collected and created some documentation on this subject, in order for you to make a kick start on this issue, see below:
BW365_Structural Authorizations BI_mySAP ERP HCM
Part of the SAP BI Authorization course (BW365) handling this topic
An old (2002) but still useful 'How to' document
OSS Note 771168
This note is useful if you use context-sensitive authorizations (P_ORGINCON)
Structural Authorizations in SAP BW
A very compact action list
Structuur autorisaties in SAP BW
Some information in Dutch
Have fun with it!
I can't seem to access the documents in google docs.
You should be able to access the documents now. If not, please let me know
In BW 3.X, if you have 0ORGUNIT Hier, do you need to create the nodes in RSSM or generated authorizations will be enough ?
Hi there,
Apologies for the long post but I really hope someone can help with this problem.
We are trying to generate analysis authorisations (based on which employees a user can see in SAP HCM) in BW transaction code RSECADMIN. We have undertaken what I believe are the necessary requisite steps, namely:
1. Set the InfoObject 0EMPLOYEE to authorisation relevant in BW.
2. Created an authorisation variable for InfoObject 0EMPLOYEE and included it in the BEx query.
3. In the source SAP HCM system, created test user ID’s with access to see differing subset of employees (i.e. user A can see employees 100 and 200, user B can see employees 300 and 400, user C can see employees 500 and 600 etc.).
4. Created the same test user ID (without manually adding any characteristic values for employee) in the target BW system.
5. Ran program RHBAUS00 in the source SAP HCM system.
6. Using datasource 0HR_PA_2, loaded authorisation-related data from source SAP HCM into target BW, populating DSO 0PA_DS02. This DSO looks like it’s correctly populating with all the necessary InfoObjects, such as: 0TCTUSERNM, 0TCTAUTH, 0TCTIOBJNM, 0TCTLOW.
7. Using the ‘Generate’ button in the ‘Authorizations’ tab of transaction RSECADMIN of BW I have generated authorisations with 0PA_DS02 in the ‘Flat Authorizations’ field. I have tried this generation step both with and without the same DSO (0PA_DS02) also in the ‘User assignment’ field – but on both occasions without success.
The issue I have is that no matter how we try this all we seem to get when performing the generation step is one authorisation object only, with all the employees (i.e. 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 etc.) visible to all the users (i.e. A, B, C etc.).
Am I doing something obviously wrong in the above set-up steps? Do I need to carry out other steps? It’s hard to tell, for example, whether I might also need to create a copy of DSO 0TCA_DS04 (“Template for ODS with Assignment of User Authorization”) to complete the work and enable different users to see the data for different employees.
Has anyone come across this (or similar) before – and managed to solve it? Any help at all very much appreciated.
Kind regards
HI Ian,
We have a same requirement in our project. Would please share us if you have any relevant documents to set up all these security configuration.
Email Suresh2863@gmail.com
HI Ian,
We have a same requirement in our project. Would please share us if you have any relevant documents to set up all these security configuration.
Email Suresh2863@gmail.com
Nice blog, Given simple and useful information.SAP HR Training in Hyderabad
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